Happiness | Health | Positivity

The Power of Optimism

Joy is stronger than jealousy. A quick reminder.

D.A. Rutherford
2 min readMay 31, 2023


Photo by Jangson Basumatary from Pexels

The Best of The Best

I heard a girl say something amazing last night. In the midst of describing the scrapbook she’d just put together, she stumbled across a few pages dedicated to gardening. The pages boasted a mix of colors and a handful of photos, ranging from flowers to bell peppers.

But it wasn’t the beautiful photos of delicious looking produce that caught my attention. It was a small quote that she’d written on a tan piece of paper. It read…

Be so focused on watering your grass that you don’t have time to time to check to see if someone else’s is greener.

It’s a simple, one-liner that carries immense importance when it comes to living a happy life. All too often, we compare what we’ve accomplished against those around us. Well some comparison can’t be helped, problems arise when we stop watering our own garden; and zero in on another yard we might never visit.

People often think that comparison causes jealousy. In many cases, it issues forth much more. Hyper-focusing your sights on another person’s talents and hard work can actually detract from the inspiration you hold to complete your own.

